Neon Moiré Newsletter #261

Your weekly design event guide.

Featured Event 💫


Today I'm writing to you from Warsaw, Poland. For the last few days I have been attending and speaking at the Eastern European Design Festival. The festival is dedicated to visual design from Central and Eastern-Southern Europe. Last Saturday was the first day of the festival. Organizers from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine told about the visual design history of their countries.

Yesterday, Sunday, speakers from the Netherlands, Germany, Ukraine and Poland shared their experiences in organizing the event. I gave a presentation on neon moiré and the evolution of design events.

Today, Monday, is the last day of the festival, packed with networking events and workshops. I hope to learn a lot.

A big theme during the conference is how the design/creative community can help the Ukrainian people. One way is to donate by sending money directly to United24. This is the official fundraising platform of Ukraine. Another way to help is to organize workshops with Ukrainian refugees in your city. 4Block and Pictoric have a ready-made poster campaign that you can use to raise additional awareness in your community. As the Projector Institute points out, there are many UX designers, programmers, illustrators, motion designers, and other creatives who would love to work with Western, Asian, or Latin American companies and brands. Reach out to any of the organizations mentioned and they can help you connect with the right people, Telegram channels, or Behance pages.

You can follow my last day in Warsaw on Instagram stories.

Sign language interpreter at work.

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Organize an event?

Are you or do you have a friend/colleague who organizes a workshop, field trip, meet-up, festival, or conference and it’s a good fit for Neon Moiré? You are invited to add the upcoming event to our event guide.❤️

If this edition of our newsletter “Neon Monday” inspired you, share it with a friend, and you want to help me make more like it, buy me a coffee or sponsor this newsletter to get your message in front of 2.5K+ creators.

Want to promote your a talk you give? drop me a link.

Waving from Delft,
Thomas ✌️

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